Y“Cooking is not difficult. Everyone has taste, even if they don’t realize it. Even if you’re not a great chef, there’s nothing to stop you understanding the difference between what tastes good and what doesn’t.”

How far does per diem go?  Today, not that far and that’s why we offer suggestions to cook in your hotel room with the use of a rice cooker or electric pot

The Basics

How a Rice Cooker Works

How to Dice an Onion  It’s so simple, I’ve been doing it incorrectly for 40 years.

How to Cut Garlic.

How to Dice a Bell Pepper

How to Cut a Lime  Anyone can drink in hotel room, this is for those who want to drink in style.

Items to cook or reheat in your rice cooker or electric pot

Rice Cooker Cookbook

Boiling Eggs in a Rice Cooker  A perfect low-calorie snack throughout the day.

Potato and Chorizo burritos  Breakfast made so simply.

Mexican Rice  Serve with steamed salmon with your steamer unit for either the sauce pan or rice cooker.

No-cook Spaghetti / Pizza Sauce

Italian Sausage Red Sauce


Jim Fish(less) Chili

Cheese Sauce for Macaroni and Cheese

Cold items that are great for the road

Cold-Brew Coffee  Your room doesn’t have a coffeemaker?  No problem if you are prepared with this simple recipe from Argyle Stone.

Mom’s Chocolate Chip Cookies  A perfect pairing for the cold-brew coffee.  Dunk-a-licious.

Peanut Butter and Oat Energy Bites  Beats a Red Bull hands down.

Our Favorite French Dressing Recipe  Pure yum.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus  You know how you always run out of red pepper in the store bought hummus?  Not going to happen with this recipe.

Have a recipe suggestion?  Contact us today!