Little Library of Online Books

It’s not always easy to fit a book in your back pocket and with one hand already on your phone, you’d need a third or perhaps a forth to properly turn the pages of a book.  Below is a list of our ever-growing online little library.

If you’re interested in putting a real little library book box in your front yard, here’s a link to the Little Free Library.

A large collection of online books can be found here at Project Gutenberg.

Our bookshelf

The Handmaid’s Tale

Fahrenheit 451

Animal Farm


Don Quixote

The Plague

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

The Art of Thinking Clearly

Running with Scissors

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

The Federalist Papers

Das Kapital

The Jungle

Jane Eyre

In Cold Blood

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Stranger

The Giver

The Bluest Eye

Alice in Wonderland

The Color Purple


The Bell Jar

The Bluest Eye

The Sound and the Fury

War and Peace